Does Netflix allow account sharing?

Watching Netflix videos is done on any screen, by logging into your account with your login and password. This simplicity has led some subscribers to give their identifiers to their relatives so that they can enjoy the service as well.

But is it safe to share your Netflix account?

On the legal side, there is no interdiction in giving your password to a third party that you trust. However, the practice might be forbidden by the plateform.

When subscribing to the Netflix subscription, the terms and conditions of the platform must be approved. They do not mention any specific prohibition on sharing access codes. The management of Netflix is ​​of course aware of this practice which has became an international sport, because the number of simultaneous connections to the same account can betray.

We can therefore see a tolerance and consider the authorized practice until Netflix belies this fact. What has not been done to date despite some announcements. There is a big chance that the competition with Amazon, OVS, Disney and others will make it hard for Netflix to ban accounts from their plateforms.

Caution must be exercised

However, it is important to understand the risks associated with sharing a password. Too many internet users use identical passwords for different sites and services.

So beware of this problem, and change your Netflix password if you must then pass it on to trusted third parties. And make sure you will use a password that you do not use on any other online service.

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