What is the subscription-sharing service?

Sharesub, Spliiit, or the new Diivii and Sharit companies allow you to reduce your expenses related to the subscriptions you pay each month. These companies offer you to make available to others the seats that you do not use on your subscriptions.

The right plan for big savings

After housing and cars, subscriptions are the third or fourth largest expense for the French. Users of these platforms save an average of €350 a year.

At the top of the list of shared subscriptions are video and streaming services. However, subscriptions to music, press and software services are also very frequently shared.

Insofar as these companies provide security guarantees, to be checked below in the comparative table, it seems logical not to deprive oneself of these savings in a period of crisis and inflation.

Comparative table of each service

Sharesub Spliiit Diivii Sharit
Launch of the service2020201920222022
Activity zoneEuropeEuropeFranceFrance
Google reviews4,9
100+ reviews
4,5 ⭐
100+ reviews
4,6 ⭐
few opinions
4,7 ⭐
few opinions
Fees for payments
recurring (buyers)
4,5% +
5% +
5% + 0,49€ à 1,89€ 10% +
0,25€ (minimum of 0,50€)
Connection fees (sellers)0€25%
(max 1€)
Fees on sales (sellers)0€0€
(18€ in case of error)
5%25% from the 2nd month
Refund conditions (buyers)On CBcredit on the siteOn CBOn CB
Fees on refunds0€0,30€0€0,50€
Encrypted MessagingYesYesNoNo
Secure storage of identifiersYesYesYesNot specified
Rates for services as of the date of publication

Categories offered by each subscription-sharing service

Total number of services
and subscriptions
Well being
Video games
Proposed categories (subject to change)

Can we share personalized subscriptions?

Currently, only Sharesub and Spliiit offer the possibility of sharing a subscription in a personalized way with the rates mentioned. The principle is simple: you can define the title and description of your subscription, choose the number of seats available, set the price and decide whether or not your subscription will be listed for other community members.

Which platform should you choose to share your subscription?

Our analysis will necessarily be biased, as we are convinced that Sharesub is the best subscription sharing site. Launched by experienced professionals in the payment and marketplace industry, it also offers a guarantee of security.

But we hope that the factual comparison made on the table above will have shown you Sharesub’s efforts to have the lowest prices in the market, and in particular the willingness not to impose additional fees on subscription sellers.

Service by Service Comparison

Choose Sharesub or Spliiit?

Sharesub and Spliiit are two French subscription sharing services, launched in 2020 and 2019 respectively, that operate primarily in Europe. The main difference between the two services is the fees charged to buyers and sellers. Sharesub charges a recurring payment fee of 4.5% + €0.39, while Spliiit charges a recurring payment fee of 5% + €0.50. What’s more, Spliiit charges a matchmaking fee of 25% (maximum €1) per subscriber for sellers, while Sharesub charges no fee at all. In terms of fees on sales, Spliiit does not charge any fees on the first transaction, but charges a fee of €18 in case of error. Sharesub, on the other hand, does not charge any fees on sales. Spliiit reviews are good and Sharesub reviews are also excellent according to Trustpilot, so these points do not separate them. Finally, both services offer encrypted messaging and secure storage of credentials.

Sharesub 🏆 is therefore a service that incurs less costs than Spliiit, which makes it a very good choice.

Choose Diivii or Spliiit ?

Diivii and Spliiit are two French subscription sharing services, launched in 2022 and 2019 respectively, that operate primarily in France. The main difference between the two services is the fees charged to buyers and sellers. Diivii charges a recurring payment fee of 5% + a sum ranging from €0.49 to €1.89, while Spliiit charges a recurring payment fee of 5% + €0.50. In terms of connection fees, Diivii charges a fixed percentage of 25% for each subscriber, while Spliiit charges a maximum of 1€ per subscriber. Regarding the fees on sales, Diivii charges 5% from the first transaction, while Spliiit does not charge any fees on the first transaction. Finally, Diivii does not charge any fee on refunds, while Spliiit charges 0,30€ per refund. In terms of features, Diivii does not specify whether it offers encrypted messaging or secure storage of credentials, while these features are available on Spliiit.

These two services remain more expensive than Sharesub, especially Diivii, which leaves a very significant amount to be paid by co-subscribers, but Spliiit is a better alternative to Diivii from a financial point of view.

Spliiit vs Sharesub competitor

A factual analysis of the above comparison table suggests that Spliiit’s best competitor is Sharesub, the subscription-sharing site launched in 2020, because it benefits from attractive rates (no fees for those who share), as well as an ergonomic and secure site managed by a team experienced in payment solutions.

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