Have you decided to cancel your Canal+ subscription but don’t know how? Don’t worry, in this article we’ll show you step-by-step how to cancel your subscription. But if you don’t want to be left in the dark about the end of your favorite series, we have a suggestion for you too: why not opt for an even more cost-effective solution by sharing your subscription with other users on the Sharesub site?

Cancelling your Canal+😱 subscription

There are many ways to cancel your subscription, depending on your preferences. Here are some common ways to cancel your Canal+ subscription

Cancellation online: Log in to your account on the official Canal+ website and go to “Cancellation” or “Account management”. Follow the instructions provided to submit your cancellation request. Be sure to check the cancellation policy and associated fees.

Cancellation by phone: If you prefer telephone assistance, you can contact Canal+ customer service to cancel your subscription. Call 08 92 39 39 10 to reach Canal customer service and request a subscription change. When you call, explain your wish to cancel your subscription and follow the customer service representative’s instructions to complete the procedure.

Cancellation by post : Some people prefer to send a cancellation letter by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt, for greater security. In your letter, clearly state your name, address, Canal+ customer number and the date you wish to cancel your subscription. Don’t forget to sign the letter and keep a copy for your records.
*Your cancellation letter is sent to this address: GROUPE CANAL+, Service Résiliation, TSA 86712, 95905 CERGY-PONTOISE CEDEX 9.

Cancellation at the office: If you took out your Canal+ subscription in person at the office, you can also go there to cancel your subscription. Bring the necessary documents, such as your ID and subscription information, and ask an agent to help you cancel.

Share the cost of your subscription rather than cancel it 💰🥳

Cancelling your Canal+ subscription could be complicated, but why not opt for an even more cost-effective solution by sharing your subscription with other users on the Sharesub site? Not only do you cut your subscription costs by almost 50%, but you still benefit from a very reasonable price. This practice, known as Canal+ subscription sharing You’ll be able to find co-subscribers and save money every month, so you can enjoy the summer vacation you so richly deserve. And the best thing is, there’s no commitment! By adopting this subscription-sharing method, you can take full advantage of your Canal+ access while optimizing your monthly expenses.

How do I cancel Canal Plus free of charge?

If you are still within the minimum commitment period of your subscription, cancelling Canal+ may entail additional costs.

If you are outside this commitment period, termination should normally be free of charge. Be sure to check the terms of your subscription contract for any early termination fees.

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