You’ve made up your mind, you want to be able to make informed choices when it comes to everyday consumption? For that, there’s nothing better than “60 Millions de Consommateurs” magazine! Analyses, advice, comparisons, etc. you’ll finally have all the information you need 😎

Why choose 60 Millions de Consommateurs?

In today’s consumer landscape, where choices are multiplied and information is jostled for attention, it’s essential to turn to reliable, independent sources. “60 Millions de Consommateurs” stands out as a compass in this complex world, offering its readers in-depth analysis, sound advice and rigorous comparisons. This commitment to quality information, free from any commercial influence, makes it a valuable ally for anyone aspiring to more informed and responsible consumption.

A reliable, independent source of information

In a world where advertising and commercial interests can blur the lines between truth and marketing, the independence of “60 Millions de Consommateurs” is its greatest asset. Financed mainly by subscriptions, this publication guarantees unfailing objectivity, enabling its investigators to focus on what’s essential: the truth. Whether unmasking false promises, assessing the real quality of products or warning of hidden risks, its mission remains unchanged: to serve the interests of consumers.

The Impact of Subscription on Daily Consumption

Subscribing to “60 Millions de Consommateurs” is not just an act of buying, it’s a commitment to more conscious and thoughtful consumption. Each issue is an opportunity to better understand the products and services that populate our daily lives, to spot those that deserve our trust, and to avoid the traps set by marketers. Subscribers learn how to make informed decisions, save money and, above all, defend their rights as consumers.

Based on reliable data, rigorous testing and unfailing independence, “60 Millions de Consommateurs” is much more than a magazine: it’s a partner of choice in the quest for responsible consumption.

UFC Que Choisir vs 60 Millions de Consommateurs: A Detailed Comparison

History and Mission of Les Deux Magazines

UFC Que Choisir and 60 Millions de Consommateurs are two beacons in the world of consumer protection in France, each with its own heritage. Founded in 1951, UFC Que Choisir is a pioneer in consumer protection and information. For its part, 60 Millions de Consommateurs, launched in 1970 by the Institut National de la Consommation, sees itself as the guardian of the public interest, offering transparency and independence in its analyses.

Key strengths and areas of expertise

UFC Que Choisir shines through its awareness campaigns and legal actions, highlighting dubious commercial practices and fighting for consumer rights. 60 Millions de Consommateurs, meanwhile, excels in comparative testing, providing detailed assessments and reliable buying advice. Each makes a unique contribution to the consumer landscape, guiding consumer choices with expertise and rigor.

Subscription Offers : Benefits and added value

These magazines’ subscription formulas reflect their commitment to serving consumers. UFC Que Choisir offers various options, including access to exclusive online content and legal assistance services. 60 Millions de Consommateurs, for its part, focuses on flexibility, offering its subscribers practical guides, in-depth analyses and advice on a wide range of products and services. Each magazine enriches the lives of its readers with quality information tailored to their specific needs.

These two consumer titans continue to influence, guide and protect consumers, each with their own approach and specialties, but both united in their fundamental mission: to enlighten consumer choices for a fairer, more transparent society.

Unique benefits of the 60 Millions de Consommateurs subscription

Exclusive access to comparative tests

Subscribing to 60 Millions de Consommateurs opens the door to in-depth analyses and comparative tests, enabling us to distinguish the best products from broken promises. These in-depth studies are the fruit of a rigorous methodology, providing subscribers with valuable information for informed purchasing.

Buying Guides and Legal Advice

In addition to product tests, subscribers benefit from comprehensive buying guides and in-depth legal advice, indispensable resources for navigating the maze of consumer rights. These tools become invaluable allies in asserting your rights in the face of dubious practices.

Community: a major asset

Subscription also means joining an active community of committed consumers, a place for exchanging and sharing experiences. This collective dimension enriches the individual experience, creating a real network of support and mutual aid for more responsible consumption.

These advantages make subscribing to 60 Millions de Consommateurs an enlightened and committed choice for all those who aspire to more conscious and respectful consumption.

How do I subscribe?

Subscription Packages: Paper, Digital and Combined

Subscribing to 60 Millions de Consommateurs means choosing between tradition and modernity. You can choose between the paper version, for those who appreciate the feel of printed pages, the digital version, ideal for connected consumers, or a combined formula, which offers the best of both worlds. Each option is designed to suit individual preferences and reading habits, guaranteeing flexible, convenient access to quality content.

Simplified subscription process

Subscribing to 60 Millions de Consommateurs is child’s play. The process has been designed to be intuitive: it takes just a few clicks to become a subscriber. It begins with the choice of subscription formula, followed by a simple entry of personal information, and ends with secure payment. In just a few minutes, you have access to a wealth of valuable information to make every purchase wiser and every right better defended.

Reduce subscription costs with Sharesub

Sharing and Saving : A Solution for Everyone

By using Sharesub to share the cost of a subscription to “60 Millions de Consommateurs”, users can significantly reduce their expenses. This collaborative approach not only reduces individual costs, but also encourages a collective approach to informed consumption.

How Sharesub can enhance your experience as a subscriber to 60 Millions de Consommateurs

Sharesub doesn’t just make subscribing more affordable; it also enriches the subscriber experience. By sharing with other users interested in responsible consumption, you can not only divide the cost, but also multiply the perspectives and exchanges on the subjects covered by the magazine. It’s an opportunity to strengthen a community of informed consumers, ready to share advice, tips and discoveries.


1. What does a subscription to “60 millions de consommateurs” offer?

The subscription gives access to independent tests, product comparisons, legal advice and buying guides to help consumers make informed choices.

2. Can I share a “60 millions de consommateurs” subscription with other people?

Yes, thanks to platforms like Sharesub, it’s possible to legally share the cost of a subscription with others, making access to information more affordable.

3. How does Sharesub work to share a subscription?

Sharesub allows a user to create a sharing group for a subscription and invite others to join. Payment is shared equally between group members.

4. Is it legal to share a subscription via Sharesub?

Yes, Sharesub ensures that subscription sharing complies with the terms and conditions of service, making the process legal and secure.

5. How can I subscribe to “60 millions de consommateurs”?

You can subscribe directly on the “60 millions de consommateurs” website, choosing between different subscription packages to suit your needs.

6. Are discounts available for group subscriptions?

Although “60 millions de consommateurs” does not directly offer discounts for group subscriptions, using Sharesub to share a subscription can significantly reduce the individual cost.

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