So you’ve decided to find out more about current affairs on a daily basis? So let me introduce you to Médiapart.

Mediapart is a newspaper that will keep you up to date on current affairs, even those that are often downplayed.
In this article, we explain all the advantages of subscribing to Mediapart and, as a bonus, a technique for getting a subscription for less 😎

Mediapart’s Crucial Role in Investigative Journalism

Mediapart has established itself as a pillar of investigative journalism in France, uncovering stories that have shaken the political and social spheres. Through a rigorous, independent approach, Mediapart sheds light on subjects often ignored or downplayed by the mainstream media. Their commitment to transparency and truth helps to strengthen public confidence in investigative journalism, proving its vital importance in a democratic society. By uncovering scandals such as the Sarkozy-Gaddafi affair and the Cahuzac affair, Mediapart does more than simply report the facts; it stimulates public debate and encourages an informed and engaged citizenry.

How Mediapart supports Press Freedom

Mediapart stands as a bastion of press freedom, defying pressure and legal risks thanks to its daring investigative journalism. The media’s independence is reflected in its in-depth investigations, which spare neither the public nor the private sector, ensuring crucial transparency in an era when information is often manipulated. The systematic training of our journalists in press law and close collaboration with their legal advisors guarantee the rigor and reliability of our publications. Despite the challenges and criticisms, Mediapart persists in its mission to reveal the uncomfortable, thereby supporting the democratic foundations of freedom of press and expression.

Exclusive benefits for Mediapart subscribers

Benefit from in-depth, independent journalism, with unlimited access to exclusive content.

  • Le Journal: Daily news analysis.
  • Le Club: Participative space reserved for subscribers.
  • Le Studio: Unique multimedia content.
  • Online cancellation: flexible subscription management.
  • Secure payment: safe transactions.

Subscribe to Mediapart : Options and Rates

Mediapart stands out for its commitment to independent, high-quality investigative journalism, financed exclusively by reader subscriptions, with no advertising. This independence ensures editorial freedom, enabling us to cover crucial issues with rigor and transparency.

Mediapart offers several subscription packages to suit different needs and budgets, providing full access to exclusive content and a participatory platform.

  • Standard rate: The standard annual subscription is priced at €120, which is equivalent to two months free compared with the monthly subscription. This formula is ideal for regular readers wishing to make a long-term commitment to Mediapart.
  • Discovery rate: For those wishing to test the service, Mediapart offers a discovery rate of €1 for the first 15 days, followed by a monthly rate of €12. This means flexibility and a low initial commitment.
  • Support rate: At €16 per month or €160 per year, this option is aimed at individuals wishing to further support Mediapart’s journalistic efforts. It reflects a deeper commitment to supporting independent journalism.

Each subscription offers unlimited access to the Journal, Readers’ Club and Studio, enriching the user experience with diverse, interactive content. Importantly, all subscriptions are non-binding, allowing online cancellation at any time for maximum flexibility.

Considering using Sharesub to share a subscription to Mediapart may be a wise option for those looking to reduce their monthly outgoings while taking full advantage of the newspaper’s offerings. Whether for sharing with friends, colleagues or within a community of shared interests, Sharesub offers a convenient and cost-effective solution for accessing Mediapart.

Sharesub: An Innovative Solution to Access Mediapart

Sharesub is an innovative solution for fans of investigative journalism who want to access Mediapart without adding to their monthly expenses. Sharesub offers a unique opportunity to join existing groups or share available places in your subscription, by enabling you to share subscriptions legally and securely. This collaborative approach not only reduces costs for individuals, but also promotes responsible, community-based consumption of digital services.


1. How can Sharesub give me access to Mediapart at a reduced rate?

Sharesub offers you the chance to join a sharing group for a subscription to Mediapart, giving you full access at a lower cost. By sharing the subscription fee with other users, you reduce your monthly expenses while enjoying all the benefits of being a subscriber.

2. Is sharing a Mediapart subscription via Sharesub legal?

Yes, Sharesub offers a totally legal and secure subscription-sharing system. The platform takes care to respect the terms of use of the services offered, including Mediapart, thus ensuring a sharing experience that complies with the subscription providers’ guidelines.

3. Can I access all Mediapart content with a shared subscription on Sharesub?

With a shared subscription via Sharesub, you get full access to Mediapart, just as if you were a direct subscriber. These include the Journal for daily news coverage, the Club, a participative space for subscribers, and the Studio for exclusive multimedia content.

4. How can I join a sharing group for Mediapart on Sharesub?

To join a sharing group, register on Sharesub and search for groups available for Mediapart. You can choose a group according to the availability of places and the sharing conditions set by the group creator. Once you’ve joined a group, follow the instructions to access your share of the subscription.

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