Netflix has just announced it! The €10.99 “Essentiel” offer has just disappeared 📣
Did you have this offer? Wondering if you’ll have to pay more?
We explain it all in this article (+ a trick to pay less for your Netflix… 😎)

Background to the discontinuation of the Essentiel offer

History of pricing changes at Netflix

Netflix, the streaming giant, has always had a penchant for price adjustments. Recently, the price of the “Essentiel” offer was raised from €8.99 to €10.99. And now, poof! It disappears from the catalog. But why?

Warning signs of deletion

Flashback: the “Essentiel” offer was becoming more and more discreet on the Netflix website. A hint? Absolutely! It was the harbinger of his impending demise.

Netflix announcement details

Official ad content

Netflix has confirmed: the €10.99 “Essential” offer is over. But don’t panic, current subscribers can still enjoy the benefits as long as they do not change their plan. For newcomers? We’ll have to dig deep!

Impact on existing subscribers

Already a “Essentiel” subscriber? Good news, nothing changes for you… unless you decide to switch. In that case, be prepared for a small increase.

Consequences for users

Higher costs for new subscribers

For newcomers to Netflix, the bill climbs. Without “Essential”, you’ll have to pay at least €13.49 for an ad-free experience. Ouch for the wallet!

Public feedback and expert analysis

Users are not happy about this, and experts agree: this removal marks a turning point in the world of streaming. Everyone has their own comments to make, but one thing is certain: the landscape is changing.

Alternatives for Netflix subscribers

Subscription sharing options

Looking for ways to keep costs down? Subscription sharing could be an interesting avenue. And that’s where Sharesub comes in, a smart service for secure, legal sharing.

Introducing Sharesub

With Sharesub, say goodbye to financial worries. This service lets you join or create subscription-sharing groups. Got an empty slot in your Netflix subscription? Share it on Sharesub and reduce your expenses. Simple, effective and smart!

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