Are you going through a stressful period at work? Have you thought about trying meditation to relax, but you have no idea how to go about it?

No worries! The “Petit Bambou” app is here for you 😎 You’ll be guided from A to Z for a moment of pure relaxation 🧘‍♀️

Petit Bambou Application

Key features

Petit BamBou stands out for its key features that enrich the meditation experience. With over 70 varied programs, the app covers a wide range of needs: from peaceful sleep to stress management, to meditation for children. The involvement of Christophe André, an expert in mindfulness meditation, brings significant added value. Users also benefit from relaxation techniques such as cardiac coherence and practical features such as offline mode, enabling meditation without an internet connection. Last but not least,customizable soundscapes and sophrology sessions extend the possibilities for personalization and commitment.

User Experience

The Petit BamBou user experience is distinguished by its simplicity and efficiency. The application benefits from an intuitive user interface, making it easy to navigate between the different meditation programs. Users particularly appreciate the quality of the voices guiding the meditations, a key element for total immersion. Petit BamBou offers a variety of sessions and programs to suit all levels, enabling everyone to find exercises to suit their personal needs and goals. This personalized approach makes a major contribution to user satisfaction, with users reporting an improvement in their day-to-day well-being.

Petit Bambou subscriptions

Free offer

Petit BamBou’s free offer is a great way to learn about meditation at no cost. With her Discovery program, she offers 8 guided sessions, remarkably gentle and accessible, ideal for beginners. Each session, lasting an average of 12 minutes, is designed to introduce the principles of mindfulness and encourage regular practice. This free option allows users to discover the benefits of meditation before committing to a paid subscription, offering a first step towards mental and emotional well-being.

Paid subscription

A paid subscription to Petit BamBou opens the door to an enriched meditation experience, offering unlimited access to over 1000 diverse sessions, specialized programs by experts such as Christophe André, and exclusive features such as sophrology and cardiac coherence. Users can choose between different subscription formulas – monthly, yearly or lifetime – to suit their commitment and budget, enabling them to practice mindfulness meditation at a reduced cost and without advertising, for optimum peace of mind.

Subscription benefits

A subscription to Petit BamBou unlocks unlimited access to over 1000 meditation sessions, ambient sounds for a personalized experience, and an exclusive daily meditation. With no advertising, the subscription offers an enriched and varied meditation practice, suitable for all levels.

  • Unlimited access to all meditation programs
  • Over 1,000 sessions available
  • Customizable ambient sounds
  • New meditation every day
  • No ads for a serene experience

Reduce costs with Sharesub

Reduce your subscription costs and maximize your access to premium services like Petit BamBou with Sharesub. This innovative platform lets you share your subscriptions legally and securely, or join existing groups, for low-cost access.

  • Share your subscriptions: Offer available seats in your Petit BamBou subscription to reduce your monthly expenses.
  • Join Sharing Groups: Access discounted premium subscriptions by joining an existing sharing group.
  • Security and legality Guarantees: All transactions and subscription sharing on Sharesub are monitored to ensure a safe experience and compliance with suppliers’ terms of service.
  • Ease of use: Sharesub makes it easy to connect users wishing to share with others looking to join subscriptions, making the process simple and straightforward.
  • Substantial savings: Benefit from Petit BamBou’s comprehensive meditation and wellness programs while optimizing your leisure budget.

This approach to subscription sharing via Sharesub represents a practical and cost-effective solution, especially for those looking to access quality services while keeping their expenses under control.


1. How can meditation fit into a busy daily routine?

Meditation can be practised in small sessions, sometimes lasting just 5 to 10 minutes a day. The idea is to find a time during the day when you can isolate yourself from distractions, however briefly. This could be early in the morning before the rest of the house wakes up, during a lunch break, or just before bedtime. The key is regularity, not necessarily session length.

2. Does meditation require special equipment?

No, meditation doesn’t require any special equipment. All you need is a quiet place where you can sit or lie down comfortably without being disturbed. Some people choose to use a meditation cushion or chair, but these are not essential. You can also use meditation apps to guide you, but again, it’s not a necessity.

3. Is it possible to meditate in noisy places or in public?

Yes, with practice, you can learn to meditate almost anywhere. Meditation involves focusing on the present moment and can include techniques for concentrating on breathing or specific sounds, which can actually help block out external distractions. Headphones with soft music or natural sounds can also help create a personal bubble of tranquility.

4. What are the mental health benefits of meditation?

Meditation has been linked to a variety of mental health benefits, including reduced stress, improved concentration, reduced anxiety, and better emotional control. Regular meditation practice can also improve sleep quality and contribute to a general sense of well-being. Numerous scientific studies support these claims, highlighting the effectiveness of meditation in improving mental health.

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