Sharing evolves but doesn’t stop!🔥

Contrary to what we regularly read in the press, Netflix has not banned account sharing, but has simply made it fee-based. In the end, it is a disguised price increase, of 50% all the same!

By sharing your Netflix subscription on Sharesub, you can always enjoy your subscription at the best price. Rather than the end of an era, Netflix is now offering a new feature for some of their subscriptions. These new features have already been implemented in many countries, your Sharesub team has been following this very closely 😉

  • The advantage: this new sharing mode allows each subscriber to have his own access with his login and password. More reliable and secure!
  • The disadvantage: the Premium subscription with 4 streams only allows 2 subscribers outside the home, each with one stream, and two streams in the home. Only 2 co-subscribers are therefore possible. And of course, the 5.99 surcharge per subscriber increases the total subscription from €19.99 to €31.97!

When will this new sharing mode be implemented?

This new tariff is applicable from the end of May 2023 and the invitation function is already available. It is expected to take effect immediately, although it ispossible that the blocks will not be active so soon. It is indeed complex for Netflix to properly identify regular and irregular usage.

Netflix Premium is still a good deal!

Netflix Premium allows you to watch all your favorite content, movies and series with 4k quality, enjoy full content, enjoy exceptional audio quality with spatial audio, downloads of your favorite movies and series, all without ads!

Sure, the cost increases, but if you don’t want to go back to a low quality video subscription (720p) or have long minutes of commercials and a reduced catalog, a place on a share will remain more interesting.

In fact, the price of a Netflix Premium place on Sharesub is around €8.20, being split 4 ways between the owner who benefits from 2 streams, and each co-subscriber who benefits from a single stream.

Am I affected by this new rate?

If I join a subscription :

First good news 🎉 this new feature concerns only a part of the subscriptions. At Sharesub subscriptions are still available with the old features and at a price of 5,09€ per month! Enjoy it while it lasts.

Otherwise, you can join a subscription at the new rate by selecting it from the list.

How is this possible?

Subscriptions taken out with a third party (such as your telephone operator, internet provider or partner), are not eligible for this new functionality and remain for the moment accessible to 4.

If you already have a Netflix subscription on Sharesub

Very good choice, you already benefit from a subscription at the best price 🤑 if the sharing mode of the owner’s subscription were to change, as well as its rate, you will be the first to know and will have the choice to benefit or not from the new sharing mode (against an increase in your subscription rate).

You will also be able to use the “profile transfer” function to join the invitation on the new operation, keeping your history.

If you join a Netflix subscription with the new rate

This choice offers the significant advantage that each subscriber has his own access, with his login and password.

The owner has 2 screens, unlike the people who join the subscription, who only have one screen. By joining the subscription: you pay 25%. By being a homeowner: 50%.

If I share a subscription :

As mentioned above, this new feature only concerns a part of the subscriptions. If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to contact Sharesub by mail or directly by chat, our teams are available 7 days a week.

If you need to switch to the new sharing mode, you can already inform your subscribers via the chat. If you have any doubts, please let us know and our teams will be able to check for you.

If you stay on the old model :

If you already share a subscription, you don’t have to do anything.

If you want to share a Netflix subscription, this is always possible when you create a subscription you have the option to do so by choosing the sharing mode (see image below).

In blue the old sharing mode, in green the new one.

If your subscription is affected by the new model :

Select the new sharing mode, depending on your package:

  • Netflix Premium + 2 subscribers,
  • Netflix Standard + 1 subscriber,

Good news: account sharing is even easier.

How it works:

  1. Buy an “Additional subscriber” option.
  2. Invite your additional subscriber.
  3. The additional subscriber creates an account and uses it to watch Netflix.

Want to know more about Netflix’s new subscriber model, check out Netflix’s article on the subject.

How to continue enjoying Netflix on your TV

If you’re having trouble watching Netflix on your TV, we’ve written an article about it.

You think the new rate is too high?

You won’t be the only one, and our users have already been favouring other streaming services for several months.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for on Netflix, we offer more than 375 other servicesincluding many video-on-demand services such as Amazon Prime Video, HBO, Disney +, Paramount and many others.

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