Xbox Game Pass has become a must-have service for all gamers. As well as allowing you to play with your friends, it also gives you access to over 300 free games, and frankly, you can’t argue with the quality of the titles on offer. However, there may be times when you wish to cancel your subscription for various reasons, whether to reduce your monthly expenses or simply because you no longer have any use for the service.

A cost-effective solution: subscription sharing

If the main reason for cancelling your subscription is the price, there are ways to reduce your costs. is a subscription-sharing site that allows you, the gamer, to continue enjoying your favorite games while saving money! All you have to do is share your available Game Pass tickets and divide the cost of your subscription by 2.

If you have an Xbox Game Pass subscription ➡️ Share my subscription

If you are not yet a subscriber ➡️ Join a subscription

How to cancel your Xbox Game Pass subscription from your console

If you decide to cancel your Xbox Game Pass subscription, follow these steps:

1. Press the “Xbox” button on your controller to display the home screen

2. Go to “Profile and System”, then to “Settings”.

3. Then “Account”.

4. In the menu that appears, go to “Subscription” .

5. Scroll down to find your “Xbox Game Pass” subscription

6. Finally, select “Cancel Subscription”.

7. Confirm

How to cancel your Xbox Game Pass subscription from a browser

If you decide to cancel your subscription from your browser, follow these steps;

1. Log in to““.

2. Go to “Subscriptions”.

3. Select “Show all subscriptions” then “Manage”.

4. Select “Cancel subscription”.

It is important to note that cancelling your subscription will result in the loss of access to all games available via Xbox Game Pass. You won’t be able to play until you reactivate your subscription.

Do I lose access to Game Pass games when I cancel my subscription?

Yes, once you cancel your subscription, you will lose access to all the games included in Xbox Game Pass. You can play it again once your subscription has been restored.

Pay less for Xbox Game Pass

Subscription sharing is the easiest way to save money on your Game Pass.

Can I reactivate my Xbox Game Pass subscription after cancelling it?

Yes, you can reactivate your subscription at any time by logging into your Xbox or Microsoft account and re-subscribing to Xbox Game Pass on the Sharesub platform.

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