Deezer is one of the world’s most popular music streaming platforms, offering unlimited access to millions of songs. However, it may happen that you wish to cancel your Deezer subscription for various reasons, such as the cost of the subscription, the absence of some of your favorite music or even the presence of a more interesting offer or feature from the competition.

But before you make that decision too quickly, there’s an alternative you might like to consider: Deezer’s Family package and sharing your subscription via

The alternative: the Family package

Instead of cancelling your Deezer subscription completely, an interesting alternative is to switch to the Family package. Deezer offers a family subscription for 17.99/month, allowing you to add up to five other people living in the same household. By opting for this offer, Sharesub will save you money. is a subscription-sharing site that allows users to share their Deezer subscription with others, even outside the home. By offering available seats on your season ticket, you can significantly reduce the cost of your season ticket, or even have it almost entirely refunded while keeping it. You’ll only have to pay just under €3/month!

Why cancel your Deezer subscription?

There are several reasons why you might consider cancelling your Deezer subscription. Maybe you don’t use the platform as much as you used to and want to save money. Or perhaps you’ve found an alternative that’s better suited to your needs, with additional features that interest you more. Whatever the reason, it’s important to make an informed decision that fits your needs and your budget.

How to cancel your Deezer subscription

If, despite this alternative solution, you still decide to cancel your Deezer subscription completely, here’s how to go about it:

1 Log in to your Deezer account using your login details.

2 Access your account settings.

Look for the “Subscription” or “Billing” option in the parameters.

Select the option to cancel or terminate your subscription.

5 Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm your cancellation.

Why can’t I cancel my Deezer subscription?

If you’re having trouble cancelling your Deezer subscription, make sure you follow the steps outlined above. If the problem persists, you can contact Deezer customer service for further assistance.

How do I delete my free Deezer account?

If you wish to completely delete your Deezer account, including the free account, you must contact Deezer customer service to request the deletion of your account.

Why has the price of my Deezer subscription changed?

Deezer subscription prices may vary according to region and current promotions. Check your subscription details to find out the exact price you’re paying. The platform has also added a

How do I contact Deezer customer service?

To contact Deezer customer service, you can go to their official website and search for the “Support” or “Help” section. Here you’ll find information on how to contact customer service via live chat, e-mail or telephone.

In conclusion, cancelling your Deezer subscription completely is not the only option when you want to save money. By choosing the Family package and sharing the seats available on your subscription, you can considerably reduce the cost of your subscription and still enjoy the music you love.

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