Terms and conditions of use

SHARESUB is a simplified joint stock company (SAS) with its registered office at 1ter rue Civiale, 92380 Garches, and a capital of 58.580€. It is registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 882933732. SHARESUB owns and operates the website https://www.sharesub.com, which allows several users to share the costs of their recurring expenses automatically.

Any user or visitor to the site must read these general conditions of use of the site.

Article 1: Definitions

Site: refers to the site https://www.sharesub.com

Visitor: refers to any person accessing the https://www.sharesub.com website who is not a user.

User: refers to any person registered on the https://www.sharesub.com website.

Shared Subscription: means a recurring collection of money organized by a subscription owner.

Owner: refers to a user registered on the site who has created a shared subscription.

Participant: means a user who has subscribed to a shared subscription.

Guest: means a visitor or user who has been invited to join the shared subscription by the owner.

Account: refers to the virtual client space assigned to each user of the site https://www.sharesub.com

Participation: refers to the amounts paid on a recurring basis by Participants to an Owner for a Shared Subscription.

Service(s): refers to the service(s) provided by SHARESUB via this website to users.

User Content: refers to all content provided, uploaded or created by users on the platform; whether it is information, text or image.

Article 2: Application and purpose of the General Terms of Use

The following general terms and conditions of use govern the terms and conditions of use of the Site, and describe the reciprocal obligations under which SHARESUB offers its services to visitors and users of the Site. They are applicable during the entire period of use of the Site and the Services.

The general conditions of use must be read and accepted without reservation, failing which Visitors must cease browsing the Site. Any Visitor or User declares that he or she has read them and agrees to be bound by them.

Article 3: Capacity and Eligibility

Any Visitor or User of the Site declares that he/she is legally capable of committing himself/herself under the present general conditions of use. In case of lack of full legal capacity, the visitor or user must leave the Site, or obtain the agreement of his legal representative.

It is also required to be over 16 years of age to become a User.

Any Visitor or User of the Site declares that he/she is a natural person residing in a Member State of the European Union or in a State belonging to the European Economic Area or in a third country imposing the same obligations in terms of the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, whether he/she is acting for himself/herself or on behalf of a legal person.

Article 4: Registration to the Site

To become a User of the Site, it is necessary to complete the registration form accessible from the home page of the site, or when creating a shared subscription. During this registration, the Visitor guarantees the accuracy of the data he/she transmits, and must accept SHARESUB’s general terms and conditions of use, as well as the general terms and conditions of use of STRIPE, the payment service provider who will manage the financial data and transactions. Once this form has been completed and validated, the User must validate his or her account by sending an e-mail to the address he or she has provided (excluding connections via third-party services).

The user is solely responsible for his identifiers, composed of an email address and a password, as well as the use of his account. SHARESUB shall not be held liable for the consequences of the use of a User’s login details by a third party and/or the loss of his/her login details by a User.

The user also acknowledges that use of the Site offers an alternative solution to accessing the Entries offered by other users, but that this solution does not replace other solutions for accessing them.

By becoming a User of the Site, you agree to use the Site’s Services only for lawful purposes and in accordance with good morals, and guarantee SHARESUB against any recourse or action by third parties concerning the use made of the Services.

SHARESUB or its service provider STRIPE may refuse an application for registration without explanation and without this constituting a right to any compensation. SHARESUB’s Customer Service Department reserves the right to request additional identifying information and supporting documentation if necessary.

It is strictly forbidden for Users to have several accounts on the Site, even with different identifiers. Any individual or legal entity may hold only one account. Any infringement may result in the deactivation of the account(s) and the reimbursement of entries deemed irregular by SHARESUB’s customer service department.

Article 5 : Creation and management of a shared subscription

5.1 Creation

The correctly logged-in and identified User can create a shared subscription freely after accepting the general terms of use. During this creation, the user must fill in the mandatory fields:

  • The subscription category it belongs to
  • A name for the shared subscription
  • An explicit description of the subscription and the shared fees, also indicating any restrictions and conditions of access to the subscription.
  • The full name of the organizer of the shared subscription
  • The amount and the currency of the participation requested from the participants
  • The maximum number of participants allowed
  • Recurrence of participation (weekly, monthly, quarterly)
  • The model for sharing participation among participants
  • Any information necessary for co-members to benefit from the advantages of the shared subscription. These will only be displayed to users after they have confirmed their commitment to the shared subscription.
  • The duration is not mandatory, as you can stop the subscription at any time from your account.

The name and description of the shared membership, as well as the full name of the Owner, must be filled in carefully. These fields determine the purpose of the mandate given by the Participants to the Owner of the shared subscription. Their content is the sole responsibility of the organizer.

The information provided must effectively allow access to the service by co-subscribers, except when this is not possible (invitation required).

The Owner agrees that the subscription price, resulting from the sum of the participations, corresponds to the real price of the service he/she shares with the participants, and not to use this as a source of income. The use of SHARESUB Services is limited to reimbursement of expenses.

The Owner also agrees not to provide misleading information about the subscription and its price. Any abusive practice may be sanctioned by account closure and prosecution.

The Owner also agrees to provide proof of the actual nature of the expense he/she is sharing. These may be required by SHARESUB’s customer service department for any high priced shared subscription.

The Owner also authorizes SHARESUB’s customer service department to verify the information provided and to retrieve the receipts automatically or manually. It also allows automated verification processes to be performed automatically.

By creating the shared subscription, the owner gets a private invitation link, which he can pass on to the people he wants to share his subscription fees with.

5.2 Management

Once a shared subscription has been created, the owner can :

  • Invite users or visitors to join your subscription.
  • View payments made by other users
  • Stop the shared subscription at any time. This closure is final and will result in the cessation of payments by participants.
  • Exchange with participants via the secure chat
  • Edit subscription information for subscribers.
  • Collect subscriber entries, provided that the amount of entries accumulated in the subscriber’s account has reached a minimum of €10 for entries in Euro, or $10 for entries in USD.
  • Ask SHARESUB’s customer service by email at hello@sharesub.com :
    • cancellation of the subscription, if no amount has been paid yet. This action can also be done directly in the “Management” page of the subscription.
    • the withdrawal of some participants

5.3 Responsibility

The owner of a shared subscription is responsible for its management. He/she must ensure that the latter complies with the regulations in force, and that all the elements of the shared subscription are of good character. The User agrees not to post any indecent or illegal content and to report any inappropriate behavior in the Secure Chat to SHARESUB’s customer service department, which may moderate it.

5.4 Prohibited shared subscriptions

The creator undertakes not to organize any illegal shared subscription. In particular, shared subscriptions that provide access to illegal services, or services that do not allow sharing in their terms and conditions, are considered non-compliant subscriptions.

The creator also agrees not to organize a shared subscription:

  • based on free or trial services.
  • with a view to commercial profit.
  • with subscriptions for which he is not the buyer

Also prohibited are shared subscriptions related to activities or content listed below, without this list being restrictive:

  • related to weapons, drugs, pedophilia
  • gambling
  • pimping or escorting
  • advocating or financing terrorism or violence
  • promoting racial hatred or discrimination
  • of pornography
  • astrology or clairvoyance
  • related to associations that help prisoners, religious associations or that finance places of worship
  • related to associations with even occasional activity in combat zones
  • related to the sale of precious metals and stones

SHARESUB reserves the right to suspend the shared membership at any time and for any reason, and to suspend the creator’s account in case of non-compliance with these terms of use, or if participants make negative reports to the company’s customer service. This does not give rise to any right to compensation.

SHARESUB also reserves the right to freeze the collected funds for an indefinite period of time and reserves the right to reimburse the participants, except for the commission charged for the management fee.

5.5 Prohibited uses of the Service

Uses of the service contrary to the commitments below are prohibited:

  • The Owner of a subscription agrees not to subscribe to this subscription himself, via his account or via another account.
  • The Owner also undertakes not to propose to his co-subscribers to pay him outside the platform.
  • The Owner agrees not to create multiple accounts in order to offer more subscriptions than the authorized Quota.
  • Users agree to conduct their exchanges on the subscription chat provided by Sharesub, so that the customer service can moderate its contents and identify any inappropriate content.
  • Participants undertake not to make any purchases integrated with the services on the subscriptions, and to fully compensate the Owners in the event of a breach of this obligation.

Any infringement may result in the deactivation of the account(s) and the reimbursement of entries deemed irregular by SHARESUB’s customer service department.

Article 6: Participation in a shared subscription

6.1 Payment of Participations

Guests to a shared subscription receive an email from SHARESUB, or a private link sent directly by the owner of the subscription by any means deemed suitable, or find the subscription in the public lists. The guest may then, without obligation, register to become a user of the Site and to participate in the shared subscription. They then enter their contact details and register their bank card to pay for their entries. The participant authorizes Sharesub to debit his means of payment at the amounts and frequencies indicated in the subscription.

The shared subscription fees are charged to the user’s payment card according to the period defined by the Owner (week, month, quarter) with no time limit.

For the first period, the participant will pay the prorated amount for the current period only. He will pay for the days between his registration date and the end of the period. The amount corresponding to this duration will be billed even if the customer decides to leave the subscription, and unless he has made a claim for a legitimate reason, and this claim has been validated by customer service.

The Participant undertakes not to purchase additional services on the subscription if access to this subscription allows the purchase of additional paying options. In the event of non-compliance with this rule, he undertakes to compensate the Owner in full for the additional costs incurred, and that this compensation will be charged to his payment card or any other means of payment which he undertakes to make available to SHARESUB. It accepts that these fees will be increased by SHARESUB’s commission as per article 9, plus a surcharge of €20 for exceptional processing costs. In the event of disagreement between participants in a group as to responsibility for expenses incurred, Users agree to be jointly and severally liable for expenses incurred and agree to abide by the arbitration to be carried out by SHARESUB.

6.2 Withdrawal

The participant may request to withdraw his or her participation for 1 hour following his or her registration for a subscription. This must be sent by e-mail to hello@sharesub.com without delay. The withdrawal will result in the reimbursement within fifteen (15) days of the amount of the participation. On the other hand, the commission paid to SHARESUB cannot be refunded under any circumstances.

The Customer may not exercise his right of withdrawal in the cases provided for in Article L221-28 of the Consumer Code, in particular for access to subscriptions fully executed before the end of the withdrawal period, which is the case when the access information has been provided. The Customer is hereby informed of this and confirms it at the time of the Order, and therefore waives his right of withdrawal.

The participant is solely responsible for the consequences of withdrawing his/her participation vis-à-vis the owner of the shared subscription.

6.3 Discontinuation of participations

At the initiative of the Participant

The participant wishing to stop participating can leave the shared subscription at any time by means of the “Leave subscription” button. This action informs the owner of the subscription, who should then deactivate access to the subscription immediately.

Termination of participation in the shared membership implies that the financial contributions will not be renewed for the next period, but the participant remains liable for the totality of the contribution for the current period, any period started being due. He thus gives up the amount of the participation for the period for which he does not benefit from the service.

The Participant is hereby informed and expressly accepts that any delay in the partial or full payment of his or her Participations when due will automatically result in the immediate suspension of his or her access to the shared subscription, and will be considered as a cessation of participation at his or her initiative.

At the initiative of the Owner

If the shared subscription is discontinued by the owner, SHARESUB will notify the participants immediately. In this case, the owner may immediately suspend access to the subscription, and the participant will pay only the prorata of the current period, with the remainder refunded to his or her payment method.

In order to discourage the sharing of subscriptions during trial periods, and to reduce short-term sharing which is painful for everyone, subscriber payments will not be made to the subscription owner for the month in which the subscription is discontinued if this occurs less than 3 months inclusive after the start of sharing.

6.4 Tariff changes and benchmark

Users are informed of the availability of a price reference for subscriptions, made available when they create their advertisement in order to save time in submitting their advertisement.

The Users declare that they use it under their own responsibility, as SHARESUB does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.

In the event of a price change, all subscriptions linked to the price repository will be affected. Participants agree to changes in the price of their Entries, and Owners agree to changes in the price of their Ads. SHARESUB will do its best to inform Users affected by price changes.

Article 7 : Customer knowledge and identity verification

As part of the fight against the financing of terrorism, money laundering and fraud, SHARESUB and its partner STRIPE must verify the identities of users who exceed certain thresholds, or as soon as they register, in accordance with the provisions of decree no. 2009-1087 of September 2, 2009 and the order of the Minister for the Economy of the same date, issued for the application of article R.561-12 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.

Users agree to provide SHARESUB and its partner STRIPE with proof of identity and residence, or other documents proving their identity, in order to validate their account and receive the amounts of the participations paid to them. These documents can be transmitted by the user via the Site, or by email to hello@sharesub.com. The verification and validation information is visible in the user’s account, “Identity and verification” section.

SHARESUB reserves the right to suspend any transfer to the account of users who have not been able to provide adequate proof, and to reimburse all contributions received by the user, without this giving rise to any right to compensation.

Article 8: Benefit of a shared subscription

The owner is solely responsible for the benefit of the subscription by the participants, and for the proper use of the funds collected on his account. It undertakes to the participants to make use of it in accordance with the mandate given by each of the participants, and to provide the participants with the benefit of their registration to the shared subscription as advertised in the description that the participants could consult.

Any lack of information from its participants or any misleading or incomplete information may result in the reimbursement of the participants after analysis by SHARESUB’s customer service. Participants are invited to exchange with the Owner on the secure chat room to inquire, and to contact the customer service at hello@sharesub.com for any complaint, providing the name of the subscription, the name of the owner, and detailing the elements of the dispute.

The participants declare that they have been informed that SHARESUB has no responsibility for the use and destination of the funds collected by the owner, nor for the access and enjoyment by the users of the subscription services described by the owner. These result from the agreement between the owner and the participants, resulting from the presentation of the service by the owner, and the acceptance of the latter by the participants. In the event of disagreement between the participants, the participants can retract in the present general conditions of use.

Article 9: Price of SHARESUB services

SHARESUB services are charged to participants who join a shared subscription. The commission is charged for each financial transaction (each Participation) renewed, and consists of a commission applied on the total amount of the transaction, of :

  • 0.49 fixed fee, plus 4.9% of the transaction amount, for Euro transactions in France.
  • For other countries, or transactions in other currencies, please refer to the fees table below. Note that if you buy in a country other than your own, local charges may apply, especially for other currencies.

These amounts are included in the fees displayed to users, and are inclusive of all taxes.

In case of inactivity of the account for a period exceeding 12 months, SHARESUB may charge an inactive account fee of €1 per month. In addition, all relinquished Interests not intended for the Subscription Owner shall also be paid to SHARESUB’s commissions.

In the event of prolonged inactivity, SHARESUB will do its utmost to ensure that holders are still alive, by cross-referencing customer files with INSEE’s National Register of Identification of Natural Persons (RNIPP). SHARESUB will also do its utmost to inform account holders or their legal representatives or assigns of the inactive status of accounts.

Other charges may apply in special cases, listed in the relevant paragraphs.

Article 10: Defaults, non-payment and refund

The owner is solely responsible for any unpaid charges and undertakes to pay for any rejected payments resulting from stop payments on the means of payment used by the participants.

The owner declares that he/she is aware that SHARESUB carries out checks on the validity of the means of payment used by the participants, and implements means to ensure that the entries are debited, but that SHARESUB cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for participants’ failure to pay and for the consequences that this may have for the owner. SHARESUB will, however, use its best efforts to follow up on failed payments, and to notify the owner in the event of a participant’s failure to pay.

Participants declare that they have been informed that non-payment, or refusal of payment by their bank on a transaction, may be grounds for termination of their participation in a shared subscription. SHARESUB will use its best efforts to inform participants of payment failures so that they can provide an alternative means of payment.

In the event of a stop payment on the Customer’s payment card leading to the rejection of a subsequent payment for a purchase, the Customer will be required to reimburse the sums to SHARESUB and pay a processing fee of €20. This fee is intended to cover the administrative costs of handling stop payments and payment rejections. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that by providing payment information on the Site, the Customer agrees to honor all payments for products or services purchased, and authorizes SHARESUB to collect such amounts by any means at its disposal. The Customer will be informed of the payment rejection and the applicable processing fees by email or by any other appropriate means of communication. Non-payment of fees will result in suspension of services until all outstanding payments have been settled in full.

Article 11: Intellectual Property

Users grant SHARESUB the right to reproduce and represent, free of charge and worldwide, the User Content, including the rights of distribution, adaptation and translation, for use on all existing and future media. This transfer is for the entire duration of the copyright as defined by the legislation, and any possible extension:

  • reproduction rights: the right to reproduce all or part of the contents on all the aforementioned media.
  • representation rights: the right to represent all or part of the content, by any process.
  • distribution rights: the right to distribute content in an unlimited manner.
  • adaptation and continuation rights: the right to adapt the content, including by modifying its presentation, and to create other content inspired by or partially reproducing the content.

Users must ensure that they have the right to make this transfer.

SHARESUB’s right to use the User Content in no way affects users’ rights to the protection of personal data, as described in the privacy policy accessible via the above-mentioned link.

Article 12: Responsibilities of SHARESUB

SHARESUB declares that it will do everything in its power to provide secure access to the site, but cannot be held responsible for any unavailability or occasional malfunction of the site, insofar as its operation depends on factors beyond SHARESUB’s control. SHARESUB thus reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to the Site in order to carry out maintenance or updates. SHARESUB may also make changes to the Site to improve its operation.

SHARESUB does not guarantee the operation of the Site on all operating systems or Internet browsers, nor on all computer equipment available on the market. In case of non-functioning, you can however contact the customer service by email at hello@sharesub.com to allow us to identify this malfunction.

In the event of a dispute with one or more users or visitors to the site, SHARESUB’s liability, whatever the grounds, motivation or form of the action, will be limited to the damages suffered.

Article 13: Applicable law and nullity of a clause

The present General Conditions of Use are governed by French law. Except in the case of application of a mandatory law (which will apply only to the extent of its purpose), it is expressly stipulated that in the event of a dispute relating to the interpretation, validity and consequences of these general conditions of use, only the courts of Paris will have jurisdiction. However, all requests must first seek an amicable solution.

The nullity, lapse, lack of binding force or unenforceability of one of the stipulations of the general terms and conditions of sale shall not entail the nullity, lapse, lack of binding force or unenforceability of the other stipulations, which shall therefore retain all their effects.

Any complaint about SHARESUB or the Services should be sent by email to hello@sharesub.com with “Complaint” in the subject line. Claims will be processed within 15 working days of receipt.

Article 14: Evolution of the GCU

SHARESUB may modify these General Terms and Conditions of Use at any time and without prior notice; they shall become effective upon their publication on the Site. Any use of the Site or services by users or visitors implies adherence to the latest published version of the Terms of Use.

Article 15: Deletion or cancellation of an account

Users can request the deletion of their account by sending an email from the email address corresponding to their account, to hello@sharesub.com and mentioning “account deletion” in the subject line of the email, or preferably from their account in the My Account > Preferences > Deletion menu.

For e-mail requests, if the account has already received entries on a shared subscription, the user wishing to have it deleted must also attach a photo of his/her ID in order for the request to be processed.

If the user’s account is still in credit at the time of the removal request:

  • If the user has already received payments, he will receive the balance of his account after deduction of the manual transfer fee. The amount of this fee is 2€.
  • If the User has never received a payment before, he/she will receive the balance of his/her account after deducting the manual transfer fee and the account verification fee. The account verification fee is 4€ if the account is closed before reaching the 10€ balance, and becomes free once the 10€ payable balance is reached.

Requests for deletion will be processed within 30 days.

Article 16: Reporting and moderation of content, irregular accounts and penalties

16.1 Reporting abuse

Sharesub allows any visitor to the Site to report any content that he or she finds abusive or in violation of the Terms of Use or the law. To make this report, please send an email to hello@sharesub.com with the subject line “Report abusive content”. This e-mail must contain the link to the advert that appears to be abusive, as well as the complaint. Sharesub will forward the request to the user who distributed the inappropriate content so that the user can remove the content.

Any content can be reported according to the required legal formalism.

16.2 Sharesub reserves the right to:

  • delete, without notice or compensation or right to reimbursement, any content and/or Ad brought to its attention that may infringe the rights of a third party and/or that does not comply with the General Terms of Use and the law
  • delete, at any time, without compensation or right to reimbursement of sums incurred by the User, an account that is contrary to French law.
  • suspend or prohibit access to the Sharesub Service, including Messaging, of any User or Advertiser who does not comply with these Terms of Use.
  • suspend for a period of 12 months or more a User’s Account after the posting of an Ad that infringes intellectual property rights.

16.3 Fees for irregular accounts

In the event that an account is in an irregular situation and in contradiction with the GCU, but without this being of such a nature as to harm the operation of the site or third parties, additional charges may be applied to the Owner. These can go as far as withholding all funds. The customer will be informed by e-mail or any other means selected by Sharesub, and will have the choice of closing his account or regularizing it.

These charges will be applied via a deduction on transfers, which will be retained by Sharesub until the irregular situation is resolved.

16.4 Charges for serious breaches by the User

Sharesub reserves the right to charge the User a fixed penalty fee of 150 euros in the event of a serious breach of the provisions of these terms and conditions.

Such violations include, but are not limited to:

  • sharing usurped accounts,
  • use of falsified identity documents or identity theft
  • Or any other infringement of European law, or to deceive Sharesub or its regular users.

The penalty fee, set at 150 euros, will be deducted directly from the User’s balance, subject to availability.

It is imperative to stress that the application of these processing fees in no way mitigates the Owner’s responsibility or constitutes compensation, and does not exempt him/her from deactivation of his/her account, reimbursement of all participations received, and possible legal proceedings or actions for damages.

If the User’s balance is insufficient to cover the full amount of the penalty charges, the full amount available will be debited, if necessary by cancelling transfers to the User’s account, and the difference will be invoiced to the User, who will be required to pay the corresponding invoice within 30 days.

Article 17: Hosting of the Site

The site is hosted by OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 ROUBAIX – France To contact this host, go to http://www.ovh.com/fr/support/

Article 18: Language

In the event of a dispute over the interpretation of the terms and conditions, and its translation, it is agreed that the French version of the terms and conditions of use will prevail.

Article 19: Trademarks

All third party trademarks (including logos and icons) referenced on the Site are the property of their respective owners. The User affirms having been informed that Sharesub does not maintain a commercial relationship or market products on behalf of brands, unless expressly stated.